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Curriculum Overview

Our Curriculum Intent

At Whaddon C of E School, our purpose is to foster a life-long love of learning within a nurturing Christian community, enabling every child to be the best they can be and shine!


We strive to provide high quality teaching and learning experiences through an ambitious, engaging and experiential curriculum which values all core and foundation subjects.  It is imperative to our inclusive ethos that our curriculum is accessible to all and enables all children to fulfil their potential with a love of learning- for life.


Our curriculum schemes have been carefully selected to ensure broad and rich coverage of the National Curriculum and clear progression of knowledge and skills from Reception to Year 6.  It is important that children have rich and diverse opportunities and a range of memorable experiences from which to learn and grow, in readiness for their next academic steps and for life in 21st Century Britain.


Our curriculum aims to strikes a balance between developing children’s skills and knowledge, whilst also encouraging courageous advocacy.  Our curriculum is taught through discrete subjects, ensuring proportionate priority is given to all curriculum areas, but with an overarching theme or “bigger picture.” This deepens thinking, makes learning more memorable and enables children to make strong connections in their learning. Where it is not possible to link topics, the coherent sequence and acquisition of skills and knowledge in each subject is prioritised, rather forcing tenuous links.


Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of children is woven through our curriculum,  in order to prepare our children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life in modern Britain with careful consideration of British Values to uphold our commitment to the greater good.


At Whaddon School, we aim to generate an excitement for learning for all, develop lively enquiring minds, affording pupils character building opportunities, the ability to question and reason, the confidence to make mistakes and the motivation and resilience to work independently and overcome obstacles.


We comply with the duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Regulations 2015, to ensure that the curriculum is accessible with those with disabilities or Special Educational Needs. 


Our intent has been to create an aspirational curriculum that is driven by our vision. We want children to leave our school resilient to tackle the challenges of life with curiosity and confidence, secure in their individuality and skills they can offer the communities they serve.


We have reviewed our curriculum and made some changes to ensure that we are delivering:

A curriculum which is rigorous and coherent, promoting a clear and explicit progression in learning within each subject. It focuses on fluency and cumulative skills, knowledge and the vocabulary required for the next stage of their learning. There is a balanced and relevant focus on knowledge, skills, understanding and vocabulary, leading to challenge for all.


Creating learners who:

Have a solid grounding in the fundamentals of each subject, developing the skills, knowledge and vocabulary required for each stage of their schooling. They make connections in their learning, know more, remember more and are able to do more.


A curriculum which promotes high standards of numeracy and literacy. A curriculum that provides opportunities for children to use and apply reading, writing and mathematical skills across all subjects of the curriculum, as well as through discrete teaching of these subjects. A curriculum that encourages a lifelong love of reading.


 Creating learners who:

Are confident readers, writers and mathematicians. They are able to use and apply skills taught in maths and English lessons, across the curriculum and in real life situations. They read for purpose and enjoyment.


A curriculum which reflects the background and experience of our pupils which is outward facing, global and celebrates diversity whilst promoting unity. It is rooted in authenticity and context, making links with the real world so learners can see the relevance of their learning.


Creating learners who:

Are reflective and show an understanding and empathy towards others, leading to tolerance and respect.  They have a growing understanding of the world in which they live and have opportunities to develop their own strengths and find their passion.


A curriculum which promotes social, emotional, physical and mental well-being and balances the importance of the whole child alongside academic achievement. It sees emotional development and intellectual development not as alternatives but as strands of a vibrant tapestry, which mutually strengthen and complement one another


Creating learners who:

Understand the importance of being physically and emotionally healthy. They take responsibility for their own actions.  They understand their place in the wider community and their own moral responsibility within it. They grow up to be responsible global citizens.


See PSHE curriculum. See geography, science, RE, history, PE curriculum.


A Curriculum which is engaging by making learning relevant, fun and interesting, leading to relevant and wide-ranging experiences. It encourages teamwork and collaboration. It brings learning to life by promoting a sense of awe and wonder and creating memories.


Creating learners who:

Are excited and motivated to learn, interested, enthusiastic and happy. They have enquiring and critical minds who approach learning with curiosity and creativity. They actively engage in learning, collaborate effectively with others and communicate confidently, growing to become lifelong learners.


A curriculum rich in Cultural Capital which gives children from all backgrounds exposure to and vast array of experiences.


Creating learners from all backgrounds who:

possess the essential knowledge to be educated citizens and who are knowledgeable about a wide range of culture and are comfortable discussing its value and merits.


A character building curriculum in which the children are determined, resilient and active learners, who have ownership of their learning and drive themselves forward to be the best they can be.


Creating learners who:

Are risk takers with lively enquiring minds. They can question and reason and have the confidence to make mistakes and the motivation and resilience to work independently and overcome obstacles. They understand the importance of working hard and pushing themselves to reach their personal best.


Our Curriculum Implementation

Although in the early stages of development, our subject leaders use Long-Term Plans to create Medium-Term Plans which show what will be taught in each unit in each subject, in which order, and how learning links together in a purposeful way. Medium-term plans also show where the learning fits into the whole school curriculum, building on previous learning and laying foundations for future learning, in school. Short term plans are compiled that break down objectives into weekly or daily teaching. Progression documents, knowledge organisers and key vocabulary documents will be developed to show the key knowledge, skills and vocabulary that the children are expected to acquire each year through each unit of work.

Teachers in the EYFS plan purposeful learning experiences based on the children’s interests and next steps, in line with Development Matters and EYFS guidelines and principles.


Our Curriculum Impact

The coverage, progression and effectiveness of the curriculum at Whaddon  C of E School will be monitored by the head teacher and subject leaders through triangulation of observation of teaching, work scrutiny, discussions with pupils and formative and summative pupil assessment data. Teaching staff lead and monitor areas of the curriculum, identify strengths and areas for development and contribute to the School Development Plan.


To find out more about our curriculum, please contact the school office where a document with a curriculum Frequently Asked Questions can be provided.