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Equality information and objectives

Whaddon C of E School Equality Information and Objectives Statement 2024-2025


Public Sector Equality Duty

 The Equality Act 2010 requires us to publish information that demonstrates that we have due regard for the need to:


Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010 and the Equality Act 2010 (Specific duties) Regulations 2011 Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it

Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.


Our Vision


At Whaddon C of E School we aim to provide an environment underpinned by Christian values, where everyone experiences the joy of learning. We believe equality and community cohesion is a core part of school life which we embed across the whole curriculum. Within equality and community cohesion we focus on three strands: Faith, Social economic factors and ethnicity and culture. Tackling racism is a vital aspect of this.


We recognise that within our school we have only a small variety of faith backgrounds and limited cultural diversity. In addition there are limited different socio/economic groups. However, we want our children to value and appreciate the rich and culturally diverse society in which they will live, develop a strong sense of common values, integrate actively with learners from other groups and be respectful of other’s differences thus contributing to the promotion of equalities and elimination of prejudice and discrimination.


Current Profile of the School


Whaddon C of E School is a Voluntary Aided Church of England co-educational school for children aged 4 – 11 years. The school is situated in the village of Whaddon, Buckinghamshire, on the border of Milton Keynes. The catchment area of the school comprises of the villages of Whaddon, Beachampton, Nash and Thornton. The school also has a significant amount of out of catchment children as we border two other authorities, Milton Keynes and Northamptonshire.


Currently the school comprises 16  boys and  29 girls


Roughly, 50% of our children are from out of catchment addresses


The ethnic make-up of the school is 85% White British, 4% European, 4% Indian Heritage , 4% Other.


The school has 0% disabled children on roll, however there are 4% who have EHCP's and 4% with sensory impairment.  There are also 2% who have a lifelong medical condition.


Equality Objectives

 As our current make-up is largely monocultural (WBR), we know we have a duty to ensure our children grow up with compassion and acceptance for all, regardless of difference. We also acknowledge the importance of educating our children so they are informed individuals, capable of making wise choices. Therefore our targets are: 

1. To give our pupils an understanding of the diversity within the world around them and how the heritage and background of others can enrich their own lives, with an awareness of prejudice towards diversity and how it can be combated.

 2. To educate our pupils as global citizens with the strength and confidence to  be courageous advocates and challenge unfairness and injustice, wherever it is found, through the teachings of Jesus and our school vision and values.


Actions taken this academic year

Attainment levels and progress analysed half-termly to identify patterns in data for pupils with the characteristics: ethnicity/religion, gender, deprivation indicators, SEN. – No patterns found. Low attainment and slower progress of any individual has been challenged, actions agreed and monitored to ensure improvement.

Yearly curriculum overview is created which plots key religions festivals to be taught and acknowledged as part of Collective Worship, visits to places of worship and visitors of different faiths.

Diwali day held in the Autumn Term delivered by a parent in Early Years.

Discrete and explicit SMSC opportunities planned as part of learning in Medium Term Planning to ensure children debate and discuss moral issues and learn about different cultures and religious beliefs whenever appropriate to do so.

Children are taught about Christian, Islam, Jewish and Hindu beliefs and practices as part of RE.

We believe learning must be an holistic practise to ensure balanced, independent, confident thinkers. These vital skills should continue to be developed and strengthened through all aspects of learning. Our Characteristics of Effective Learning (CEoL) document enables us to map progress and map provision at a bespoke level making learning meaningful and relevant. 

There are a range of age appropriate books exploring diversity across a wide context of lived experience within our school community.

Next Steps: Initiate collaboration with a school in a contrasting location and demographic.