Please ensure that all items of clothing are named, to avoid losing them.


Welcome to Squirrel Class
We are mixed Year 1 and 2.
Our teacher is Mrs. Hall and our teaching assistant is Mrs. Wheeler.
What are Squirrel Class Learning?
Read the documents above to find out! Termly Overview will be updated every term.
Our Long Term Plans follow a two year cycle of learning for our mixed year group to ensure all areas of the curriculum is covered for every child.
Home Learning
You can complete the homework in any way you would like - drawing, writing, sticking in images, videos - its up to you! It should be completed and returned by the following Thursday so we have time to allow all those marvellous housepoints before the Celebration Assembly. 
Thank you for your help and support in encouraging your child's learning.
Marvellous Maths
Maths is one of Squirrel's favourite lessons. We use lots of practical resources, play loads of games and challenge ourselves daily because we are MARVELLOUS! We also love TT Rock Stars - the link is below. Please login in and join in the fun. There are whole school competitions set up regularly, so watch this space!
Amazing Art
We are such a creative bunch in Squirrel Class! Every media we touch seems to tern into masterpieces! 
Spring Term...
This week we have been learning - 
Forest School Fun
There is no doubt Forest School is one of the highlights of our week!
Wow Writing!
In Squirrels class we are fabulous writers! We've been working so hard on our letter formations, punctuation and setting our own individual goals for inspiration. Here are some of what we are most proud of!
Super Science 
We have really enjoyed our Science - learning all about plants and trees!