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Religious Education

As a Church of England school, we take great care in planning the R.E curriculum and experiences, to bring Religious Education to life.
Pupils experience major world faiths and consider the customs and practices, sacred texts and places of worship associated with them.
The Bucks Agreed Syllabus focus encourages children, staff and parents to consider and reflect on the world views they hold and explore why they hold them.
Nobody stands nowhere- World views  Is a short video explaining this consideration.
As a maintained school, we recognise that parents have the right to remove their child from any or all RE lessons or acts of religious worship.
We will respect this choice but ask that a conversation with the school is held before making this request.  As a maintained school it is our discretion, as to whether or not to grant the request.
Should a parent feel that they wish to remove their child from RE lessons, the school will respect that decision and the child will not participate in the curriculum for R.E, including visits to places of worship or attendance of guest speakers from other faiths.
During the time the child is not participating in RE lessons, they will be welcomed into another class, where RE is not taking place and will complete activities such as editing and improving work or a reading activity.
More information can be found in this link: DfE guidance request to withdraw a pupil from RE
if you have any questions about removing your child from RE lessons, religious observances or visits to places of worship, please contact the school office