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Vision and Aims

Distinctive Christian Vision
 Challenging each other, to be our best, through words, actions and choices; so we may all shine.
Our Christian Values are...
  Compassion     Wisdom      Endurance

We Aim...


  • To be a Christian community where everyone can grow in Christian faith and develop an understanding of the diversity of the world around them.

  • To promote the development of each person and to provide the best education for every pupil, within a supportive and engaging environment, to shine!

  • To nurture each child’s identity, as a citizen of the world.

  • To equip children with the skills to develop independent thinking and learning- for life!

  • To establish an environment where children have the confidence to take managed risks and make mistakes evaluating what they would do differently, next time.
  • To develop a strong sense of personal responsibility and life skills.
  • To enable our children to demonstrate respect for themselves, one another and the environment; valuing difference.

  • To provide children with a broad and rich inclusive educational experience which incorporates the Early Years framework and National Curriculum, at the appropriate level for each child.  We offer a curriculum which incorporates and fully embraces transference of skills to outdoor learning.


British Values

Through our three core school values, we promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and no faith. These values are woven throughout our curriculum and day-to-day interactions, but are more explicitly  explored through the PSHE and RE programmes of study, along with activities including: Collective Worship, the weekly Whole School Meeting, Multicultural Weeks, fundraising events for charities inside and outside of the UK  and the variety of educational visits to places of worship of major world faiths.