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Our Distinctive Christian Vision

"You are the light of the world, let your light shine!" (Matthew 5:14-16)
The theologically rooted reference, from which our distinct Christian vision was selected, was from the New Testament, Matthew 5:14-16. This is better knows as a verse from The Sermon on the mount.
This passage is important for us as a school and literally shone a spot light onto the essence of our beliefs as a community of learners and people seeking to always do good deeds, which is not always the easy thing.
By shining our lights collectively, we can ensure that everyone can see clearly to take the steps required to the direction that will lead them to their very best selves.
By shining a light, we are banishing darkness, unkindness, prejudice, negativity and fixed mindsets.
By shining a light we have hope and a beacon to guide us, when sometimes our lights are dim.
We understand our collective responsibility to shine our light and to enable it to shine as brightly as we can, so we may all flourish.
Our distinctive Christian Vision
At Whaddon School, we celebrate the uniqueness of each person.  We endeavour for all to succeed and grow to be the best they can be allowing their talents to shine brightly.
With this, comes the accountability to the communities we serve- our school ,village and global citizenship roles we occupy; now and in the future- so we can encourage others, be role models and when other people's lights are dim.
When creating our Distinctive Christian Vision, we collaborated and refined the culture and essence in our special school.
Our Distinctive Christian Vision is:
Challenging each other, to be our best, through words, actions and choices; so we may all shine.
This vision in central to our personal endeavours, our relationships and our communities. It underpins all conversations around our choices whether they be around friendships, our work, respecting property etc.
We appreciate that there are times we may require the light of others to guide our way.  We know that there are times that we may shine brighter than others, but that we have the responsibility to light the way in our words and actions as role models. By being our best, we collective make our school a place where everyone can shine.
Light is a powerful symbol and we refer to it in many different ways, throughout the school:
Torches for illumination- Wisdom
Candles- spiritual guidance and warmth-Compassion
Stars- aspirational  achievement-Endurance
"Challenging each other, to be our best, through words, actions and choices; so we may all shine."
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